LJCV Electronics

Tech Geek


Thank you for visiting my site for professional services as LJCV Electronics. I've used this space in the past to commercialize various products and services and also share some development projects using microcontroller for Internet of Things applications.

I'm in the process of putting together a complete new version of the website with updated information about my services and new products coming soon.

The old website for historic reasons is still available here.

I continue developing embedded microcontroller networked systems. Currently I'm doing R&D in Delay and Disruption Tolerant Networking(DTN) and Bundle Protocols for application in Space Communications and IoT.

In 2021 I joined Internet Society's InterPlanetary Special Interest Group (IPNSIG) currently a Chapter of ISOC.

I'm always looking for interesting job opportunities and projects where I can contribute my technical experience and management skills. If you are interested to have a copy of my resume, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Warm Regards


Contact Information

email: info@ljcv.net

Phone: +1-210-281-1814